Chappell Elementary School Home

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Support Our New Chicken Coop!

A huge shout out to our Nature Education summer program for making this Chicken Coop dream a reality! The kids in the program worked so hard to get this up and operational! We are so proud. Sugar, Pepper, and Tahini are all super cute and very chatty chickens.*

Big thank you to Ms. Laurentine McKee, Ms. Tori Smith, Ms. Sarah Schar, and the Friends of Chappell for their support!

We still need your support with this initiative! Please sign up below!

*Update: Pepper is a Rooster! Uh Oh!


Our Mission

Color day
At Eliza Chappell Elementary School, a world language academy, we provide rigorous instruction based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to all students, including English Language Learners and our Diverse Learners, in a caring and supportive environment.

Together with parents and the community, our mission is to prepare all students to graduate from high school and to be college or career ready.