OST Programs Resume on Monday, February 3rd

Tuition-based programs will run for ten weeks from February 3 - April 18th. We are partnering with some new organizations this semester to bring a variety of interests to the students.

The registration flyers for yoga, dance, drawing, and science clubs are attached below, with registration links. Chess will be a free, in house program (3-6) on Mondays with Mr. Antol.

Chappell sponsored programs will start the week of February 10th and run until spring break (March 21).

Fill out your response as soon as possible! Clubs fill up quickly. The last day to enroll will be January 31st.


Questions? Email Ms. McKee at [email protected]



OST Spring Sign Up Form (Chappell sponsored)


Dance to Evolve Registration

Young Rembrandts Registration

iSteam Space Explorers (closed)

Good Seeds Yoga Registration

Magic Registration

Drones Registration