Chappell Elementary School Home

News & Announcements

Chappell mural

Help us get a mural!

Greetings Chappell Community!

Our proposal for a huge mural on the east wall of the Chappell courtyard is one of the projects on the final ballot of the 40th Ward Peoples Budget! Take a look!


Chappell School Tour

Time: 4:30 PM – 5:15 PM
Location: Eliza Chappell School, 2135 W Foster Ave, Chicago, IL 60625, USA

Our Mission

Color day
At Eliza Chappell Elementary School, a world language academy, we provide rigorous instruction based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to all students, including English Language Learners and our Diverse Learners, in a caring and supportive environment.

Together with parents and the community, our mission is to prepare all students to graduate from high school and to be college or career ready.